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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *si(n)ho
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 fat, grease, tallow 2 cover oneself with grease, (oil) to coagulate
Low Navarrese: ziho 1
Baztanese: zigo 1
Zuberoan: zího 1
Roncalese: zĩa-tu 2
Proto-Basque: *sinV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 acorn 2 acorn cup
Salazarese: zi 1, zii-kaxola 2
Baztanese: zii-kaxola 2
Zuberoan: zĩ 1, (Garazi) ziĩ 1
Roncalese: zĩ 1, (Vidángoz) ziĩ 1
Comments: For semantics of Bsq ‘acorn’ ~ PNC ‘fruit’, cf. Eng. acorn ~ Old Norse akarn ‘fruit of wild trees, mast’, including but not restricted to acorns ~ Gothic akarn ‘fruit of the field, harvest’.
Proto-Basque: *siri-n
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 excrement (of birds) 2 dysentery 3 to have dysentery
Bizkaian: zirin 1
Gipuzkoan: zirin 1
Salazarese: zirin-du 3
Lapurdian: zirin-eri 2, zirin-du 3
Baztanese: zirin 1, zirin-eri 2, zirin-du 3
Zuberoan: zirin-eri 2, zirin-tü 3
Roncalese: zirin-tu 3, (Uztárroz) zirin-eri 2
Comments: Azkue cites zirin 'diarrhea' as "c" (common Bsq).
Proto-Basque: *sirsu- > *sincu-r̄
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 throat 2 nape
Gipuzkoan: zintzur 1
High Navarrese: zintzur 1, zurzuil 2
Low Navarrese: zintzur, zinzur 1
Lapurdian: (Ainhoa) zintzur 1
Baztanese: zurzulo 2
Zuberoan: züntzür 1, (Maule) zursuil
Roncalese: tzuntzur, txuntxur 1
Comments: Apparently *sirsu-r̄ > *sincu-r̄; *sirsu-lo > sursulo; Cf. PEC *ćwĭrs_V 'gullet'. Or zurzulo could be by haplology < *sincur̄-suɫɦo 'throat-tube' (see *suɫɦo).
Proto-Basque: *sisa-li / *sisa-ni
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 worm 2 leech
Bizkaian: uzan 2
Gipuzkoan: zizari 1, txitxare 1, izaiñ, izai 2
High Navarrese: zizari, zizare 1, izaiñ, izai 2, (Elkano) zirain 2
Low Navarrese: zizari 1, xixain 2, itxain 2
Salazarese: xixare 1
Lapurdian: zizari, zizare 1, xixain 2
Baztanese: zizari 1, xixari 1
Aezkoan: zirain 2
Zuberoan: zizari 1, xixari 1, zizein, zizeñ 2, xixain, xixein 2
Comments: In some but not all dialects the default form (zizari, zizare) denotes 'earthworm' and palatal forms (xixari, txitxare, etc.) denote intestinal worms. It is also possible that all or some of the Bsq words are related instead to PEC *ǯimǯV (~ *ʒ́imʒ́V) ‘leech; a biting insect’, or that the latter is an expressive variant of PEC *sēmsā.
Proto-Basque: *sisVr̄ / *sistor̄
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 icicle 2 hail
High Navarrese: ziztor 1, zizor-ka 2
Low Navarrese: (Aldude) ziztor 1
Salazarese: ziztor 1
Baztanese: zizer-kora 2
Comments: Cf. PEC *sɨ̄rVsV 'hoar-frost, icicle'. Cf. Basque ziztor 'a special sausage made for St. Thomas' day (Dec. 21)', (LAB) zizter 'chorizo, a kind of sausage', probably based on shape like an icicle.
Proto-Basque: *soc
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: spigot, faucet
Bizkaian: zotz, upa-zotz
Gipuzkoan: zotz, upa-zotz, upa-txotx
Comments: Common Bsq *soc (zotz) ‘stick, toothpick’. The western Bsq meaning ‘tap, spigot’ is apparently a development of ‘stick (inserted into hole of a cask)’. Apparently NC has preserved only the specialized meaning, though attested in only three languages (Chechen, Lezgi, Kryz).
Proto-Basque: *soha-r̄
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 clear, serene 2 clear sky 3 to clear (sky, weather)
Low Navarrese: zohar-di 2
Zuberoan: zohar 1, zohar-di 2, zohar-tü 3
Comments: The Bsq-NC comparison requires metathesis such as *HúǯV ~ *ǯúHV = Bsq *soha-. Note similar rhotic suffixes in Bsq *soha-ṙ ~ Udi mu=č̉:u-r.
Proto-Basque: *śoin
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 shoulder 2 (upper) back 3 midsection of pig (tenderloin) 4 garment, vestment
Bizkaian: soin 1, 4, soin-buru 2, sor-buru 2
Gipuzkoan: soin 1, 4, sor-buru 2
High Navarrese: soin 1, 3, 4, soin-buru 2, soin-gain 1
Low Navarrese: soin 1, 3, soin-gain 1, soiñ-egi 1, soin-buru 2
Salazarese: soin 1, soin-buru 2
Lapurdian: soin 1, 3, 4, soin-buru 2, soin-gain 1
Baztanese: soin 1, soin-buru 2
Zuberoan: suin, suñ 1, 3, süñ-hegi 1
Roncalese: soin 1, 4, soin-buru 2, soin-gain 1
Comments: This word has a stem variant *śor̄-: see BZK, GIP sor-buru (above) and *śor̄-ba[r]da (q.v.).
Proto-Basque: *solhi
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 luck, fortune 2 (propitious) moment 3 omen 4 ripe, mature 5 nimble, agile, keen (sense) 6 sore, inflamed
Bizkaian: zori 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; zoli 4, 5, 6
Gipuzkoan: zori 1, 2, 4
High Navarrese: zori 1, 2, 4
Low Navarrese: zori 1, 2, 4
Lapurdian: zori 1, 2, zorhi 4
Zuberoan: zórhi 1, 2
Roncalese: zori 2, 4
Proto-Basque: *śolho
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 meadow 2 field 3 field (prepared for sowing) 4 aftergrowth, second cutting (of grass, hay) 5 small plot or plaza where the youth gather to dance 6 estate, farm
Araban: soro 6
Bizkaian: solo 3
Gipuzkoan: soro 2
High Navarrese: (Irun) soro 1
Low Navarrese: sorho 4
Lapurdian: sorho 1
Baztanese: soro 4, 5
Zuberoan: sórho 1
Comments: This word is usually thought to be a loanword from Lat. solum, but it is phonetically and semantically distinct from the actual Bsq loanword zoru 'ground, floor'. Cf. PNC *č_Häɫu 'earth, ground, sand' (31).
Proto-Basque: *śor̄-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: shoulder
Bizkaian: sor-buru
Gipuzkoan: sor-buru
Lapurdian: sor-balda
Comments: Azkue cites sorbalda as common Basque, but dialects use various other words for 'shoulder', cf. *śoin. It is also possible that *śor̄- is a stem variant of *śoin.
Proto-Basque: *sor̄i
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 louse 2 tick
Bizkaian: zorri 1, lapa-zorri 2
Gipuzkoan: zorri 1, lapa-zorri 2
High Navarrese: zorri 1, lapa-zorri 2
Low Navarrese: zorri 1
Salazarese: zorri 1
Lapurdian: zorri 1
Baztanese: zorri 1
Aezkoan: zorri 1
Zuberoan: zorri 1
Roncalese: zorri 1
Comments: Rather surprisingly, there seems to exist no expressive/diminutive form, which would be *xorri /šor̄i/ or *txorri /čor̄i/, depending upon dialect.
Proto-Basque: *sor̄oc
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 whetted, sharpened 2 shrewd, sly 3 severe, exacting
Bizkaian: zorrotz 1, 2
Gipuzkoan: zorrotz 1, 2
High Navarrese: zorrotz 1, 2
Low Navarrese: zorrotz 1, 3
Lapurdian: zorrotz 1, 3
Zuberoan: zorrotz 1, 2, 3
Roncalese: zorrotz 1
Comments: Cf. *o=r̄ac 'needle, pin', another configuration of the same root.
Proto-Basque: *soso ~ *šošo
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: blackbird (Turdus merula)
Bizkaian: zozo
Gipuzkoan: zozo
High Navarrese: zozo
Low Navarrese: xoxo, (Aldude) zozo
Lapurdian: xoxo
Baztanese: zozo
Zuberoan: xoxo
Roncalese: xoxo
Comments: xoxo [šošo] is the diminutive/expressive variant, generalized as the unmarked term in northeastern dialects. Cf. PNC *šVnšV / *čVnčV 'a kind of bird' (Chechen šoršal 'thrush, blackbird', etc.).
Proto-Basque: *śu
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fire
Bizkaian: su
Gipuzkoan: su
High Navarrese: su
Low Navarrese: su
Salazarese: su
Lapurdian: su
Baztanese: su
Aezkoan: su
Roncalese: su
Comments: An exceptional form with a fossilized class prefix is Araban itsu 'fire' in itsu arri 'flint' < *i=ću har̄i 'fire stone' = (c) su(h)arri 'flint'.
Proto-Basque: *su
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: you (2nd person singular unmarked)
Bizkaian: zu
Gipuzkoan: zu
High Navarrese: zu
Low Navarrese: zu
Salazarese: zu
Lapurdian: zu
Baztanese: zu
Aezkoan: zu
Roncalese: zu
Comments: Vasconists agree that this pronoun was originally 2nd person plural, changed to singular (polite) in present-day Bsq, following the spread of a "T-V distinction" in western Europe. Some dialects (SAL, BNV-Garazi) also have a palatalized variant xu [šu], "intermediate in familiarity between hi and zu" (Trask 1997: 96). A new 'you' (plural) has developed by the addition of the plural marker -k: (c) zu-ek, etc. Cf. PNC *źwĕ 'you (2d p. plur. pron.)'.
Proto-Basque: *śudu-r̄
Meaning: nose
Bizkaian: sur, (Markina) suur
Gipuzkoan: sudur
High Navarrese: sudur, sugur
Low Navarrese: sudur
Salazarese: sudur
Lapurdian: sudur
Zuberoan: südür
Roncalese: sudur
Comments: So far this word has eluded any firm external cognate. Speculatively, cf. PEC šHīwṭV 'whistle, reed-pipe', if Bsq *śudu-r̄ resulted from a jocular or slangy usage, analogous to English whistle in "wet one's whistle," i.e. 'throat'.
Proto-Basque: *śuge
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: snake
Bizkaian: suge, (Lekeitio, Ubidea) sube
Gipuzkoan: suga, (Iziar) sube
High Navarrese: suge, sube
Low Navarrese: suge, (Aldude) sube
Lapurdian: suge
Zuberoan: süge
Roncalese: suge
Proto-Basque: *suɫɦo
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 hole 2 cave 3 make holes, dig holes 4 hollow, gully
Bizkaian: zulo, zilo, zillo 1, zulotu, zilotu 3, (Aulestia) sulo 1
Gipuzkoan: zulo 1
High Navarrese: zulo 1, ziloka 2, xillotu 3, (Goizueta) zolo 1
Low Navarrese: zulho, zilho 1, ziloka 2, zilotu, xillotu 3, (Isturitze) ziloka 4
Salazarese: zilo, zillo 1
Lapurdian: zulho, zilho, xilho 1, ziloka 2, zilotu, zilhatu 3
Baztanese: ziloka 4
Zuberoan: zilo, xilo 1, ziloka 2, zila(tü) 3
Roncalese: xillo 1, xillotu 3
Comments: The diminutive/expressive forms xilo, xillo, etc. have become usual in ZBR and RNC. As noted by Mitxelena, medieval place names have only zulho or zulo, thus the oldest form is postulated to have been *suɫɦo. This is a component of compounds such as (GIP) ipurt-zulo 'anus', eztar-zulo 'pharynx', (ZBR) südür-xílo 'nostril', etc. Cf. Lezgi sulu-r 'throat'.
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